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01423 866207

Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Religious Education - Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a deep understanding of the evolving diversity within our school and Knaresborough, encompassing a myriad of religions and perspectives. We strive to create an inclusive environment where individuals feel empowered to express their ideas and insights, fostering a rich tapestry of beliefs and meanings.


We intend to:

  • Ensure that children will develop their understanding and awareness of others beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures.
  • - Encourage children to develop their own beliefs and values by having the opportunities to ask and explore through enquiry based questioning.
  • - For all staff model and encourage children to develop respect, tolerance, empathy and compassion towards others.
  • - To develop children’s cultural capital in order to prepare them for their future. We will teach pupils the essential knowledge, skills and attitudes for everyday life and beyond.


  • We follow the North Yorkshire Agreed RE Syllabus, complete with planning units.
  • We hold RE weeks using the ‘Big Idea’ approach. These are the first week of every half term.
  • Each class evidences work in their class ‘Big Book’, to show progression throughout their time at Meadowside.
  • We invite visitors in regularly to work with all year groups. We have fantastic links with the local churches.
  • Global issues are weaved through RE to give children the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed.
  • We assess pupils using Insight.


  • Children have developed their own strong morals and values that are personal to them
  • Children will have expressed their own beliefs and values, which will be shown through pupil voice discussions at various times throughout the year.
  • Staff will feel confident delivering and assessing RE due to CPD opportunities.

Please see the RE subject guide below, which shows the long term plan and progression of knowledge and skills.