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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Mathematics - Our Vision 

Mathematics is essential in everyday life and is necessary in most forms of employment. It is an inter-connected subject which gives all learners a foundation for understanding the world. We want all learners at Meadowside to be able to apply their knowledge and skills fluently whilst being able to also reason and solve problems mathematically whilst experiencing a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about Maths.


  • To develop a positive attitude to maths as an interesting and attractive subject in which all children gain success and pleasure.
  • To develop mathematical understanding through creative and inspiring teaching of appropriate learning objectives.
  • To encourage the effective use of maths as a tool in a wide range of activities within and out of school and subsequently, adult life.
  • To develop the ability to express themselves fluently.
  • To talk about the maths with assurance, using the correct mathematical language and vocabulary.
  • To develop an appreciation of relationships within maths.
  • To develop the ability to think clearly and logically with independence of thought and flexibility of mind.
  • To enhance mathematical skills and knowledge and quick recall of basic facts.


  • All staff follow a consistent approach in their delivery and presentation in books.
  • Individual pupil targets are set across school.
  • Planning follows a top down approach identifying and encouraging greater depth opportunities.
  • Independent child led challenge.
  • Writing stems help promote mathematical understanding.
  • Focus on mathematical foundations through morning ‘Early Bird’ maths and weekly arithmetic lessons.
  • Keep up not catch up strategies employed to target ‘greater depth’ and ‘age expected’ opportunities as well as dealing with misconceptions and supporting children working towards age expected expectations.
  • Intervention programmes.
  • Monitoring cycle which reviews work and learning environment.


  • Children are challenged to achieve their full potential in maths.
  • Consistent approach embedded across school.
  • Increase children engagement and growing GD.
  • Establishing a consistent, impactful and monitored approach to the delivery of times tables and key recall facts across school.

Meadowside Mathematical Approach

Maths at Meadowside sets out to develop logical reasoning, analysis, problem solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways, as well as offering opportunities for creativity. Our approach follows four steps focusing on the key elements in the National Curriculum through the delivery of White Rose Schemes of Learning. 



  • Conceptual understanding: to enable the children to comprehend mathematical concepts, operations and relations.
  • Fluency: To build on this knowledge by performing daily arithmetic calculations flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately.
  • Reasoning: To cement conceptual understanding and fluency by applying their knowledge and proving / justifying their answers.
  • Problem Solving: To extend their knowledge of the topic by encompassing all aspects in order to solve problems on the topic.

Maths at Meadowside

Across school, maths follows the same format:

  • Early Bird Maths
  • Maths in Minutes
  • Maths Input
  • Independent Work

Early Bird

Is completed every morning as children first enter school. This is an opportunity to practise and consolidate prior learning whilst also allowing opportunities for the pre-teaching of new knowledge and skills. 

Maths in Minutes

A focus on vocalising maths, high octane and fun: mathematical rhymes, songs, counting and mnemonics to help cement key laws, rules in maths.

Maths Input

Explanation and modelling of today’s topic. Working together to agree and organise the ‘success criteria’ required for the independent work ahead. Success criteria is clearly displayed  to help aid independent learning.

Independent Work

Children are provided with suitable challenges which focuses on either varied Fluency, Reasoning and or Problem Solving and support progress for all.  Children are able to self-evaluate their learning and are aware when they have achieved success through self and peer marking at each point of learning. 

Learning Wall

Learning Walls are a key element to independent learning at Meadowside. They support all learners to work resourcefully, reflectively and resiliently as one possible means to support as and when needed. 

Features of the Learning Wall:

Conceptual: related vocabulary, pictorial and written representations of the specific topic.

Fluency: working examples of fluency questions in the specific topic alongside success criteria required to solve the problem.

Reasoning Stems: ‘I know this because’ writing stems which enable the children to explain their reasoning working to the end goal of justifying their reasoning.

Reasoning / Problem Solving: working examples of reasoning / problem solving questions on the specific topic alongside success criteria required to solve the problem.

WAGOLL: ‘What a good one looks like’ will demonstrate an example of maths work produced by the children, which highlights the expected standard of presentation/learning.

Stickability: Information related to the children’s learning for that day or consolidation purposes that the teachers want to ‘stick’ in their heads to help them with their learning.

Please find below helpful documents including our yearly sequencing and progression map documents

 Meadowside Academy Subject Guide - Maths.pdfDownload
 New Calculations Policy Final Version.pdfDownload
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