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Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr A Hope (Interim Executive Headteacher)

Meadowside Chickens  

Meadowside has 5 chickens, the Children love them they like to see them at playtime and they have produced lots of eggs, and still are producing lots of eggs, which taste delicious.                              

We are very thankful to Mr Meikle who looks after the chickens whilst the children are not at school, letting them out early every morning and putting them to bed every evening and to Freddy who is the go-to for anything Chicken.

Y5 have been the first class to look after them. Each week they clean them out, and each day they feed them and refill the water and sweep out the coop.

Y6 have taken over the chickens, cleaning them out and feeding them, we are very proud of Y6, this is a new skill for them all and they are taking to it brilliantly, with the help of our Chief Chicken Master Freddy.

Gardening club have had some nurture time, holding the Chickens and stroking them. We also dug up loads of worms and fed them to the chickens. 

We have very happy children and very happy chickens!

This is Freddy he is our resident Chicken Whisperer. If any of us want to know anything about the chickens, Freddy is our man, he is the Chief Chicken Master.

Chief Chicken Master - Freddy
Chief Chicken Master - Freddy
Yummy worms
Yummy worms
Such beautiful smiles
Such beautiful smiles
Content - not sure who is most content here
Content - not sure who is most content here
Joy - beautiful to see
Joy - beautiful to see
Happiness is chickens
Happiness is chickens